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PUBG Mobile(绝地求生国际版)

PUBG Mobile(绝地求生国际版)

v2.4.0 ios版
  • 软件大小:1.70G
  • 更新时间:2023/03/14
  • 软件语言:简体
  • 软件授权:免费
  • 所属分类:游戏娱乐
  • 适用平台:WinAll

PUBG Mobile(绝地求生国际版),由腾讯推出的正版吃鸡手游绝地求生刺激战场的国际版本,正式名称为PUBG Mobile,也是目前最还原绝地求生端游的手游版本,本次为大家带来PUBG Mobile ios版本下载,国际版支持本地优化连接,裸玩无压力~ios用户朋友们直接点击链接进入商城即可体验,想要体验国际版的朋友们快来下载吧!

PUBG Mobile(绝地求生国际版)

PUBG Mobile介绍:



PUBG Mobile特色:





• 最史诗级的大逃杀游戏


在 PUBG MOBILE 中登上顶峰,随心所欲地自由射击。 PUBG MOBILE 是原创的移动大逃杀游戏,也是移动射击游戏的巅峰之作。

• 随时随地免费畅玩。

以全新的心态玩 PUBG MOBILE!枪战和交火具有可以想象的最流畅的体验。全部免费!

• 极端消防,10 分钟鸡肉晚餐

在 PUBG MOBILE 的免费火力匹配中准备好你的枪并响应号召。

• 史诗般的新模式

ARCANE 合作就在这里!进入镜岛,变身奥术英雄,解锁新技能和战术物品,在 Erangel、Livik 和 Sanhok 进行激烈的战斗!体验前所未有的战斗!

• 海量地图,更多战斗

PUBG MOBILE 有很多选择,可以在每张地图中为您提供全新的刺激和生存状态。召集您的朋友值班,一起玩新模式!随意向你看到的一切开火!

• 专为移动设备设计


PUBG MOBILE 为您提供最好的高品质物品和游戏玩法。说出您的愿望,PUBG MOBILE 会接听您的电话。尝试并使用免费提供的令人难以置信的武器选择开火。不断添加新物品、地图和模式!


全球超过 10 亿玩家



ARCANE 合作就在这里! 进入镜岛,变身奥术英雄,解锁新技能和战术物品,在 Erangel、Livik 和 Sanhok 进行激烈的战斗! 体验前所未有的战斗!

VS AI 模式更新

新的难度增加了更大的挑战。 现在无需匹配队友即可进入此模式,随时随地进行战斗!

C1S3 来了

CYCLE 1 第 3 季即将到来! 过去几季的独家服装将回归! 获得大量免费的优质补给和奖励!


携带系统的新战术! 与敌人战斗时,您现在可以将被击倒的队友或对手带到新的位置!



2023-01-08 版本:2.4.0

新的武术决战主题模式就在这里! 一起感受东方武侠的精彩!

Gear Front 回归! 添加了 2 个新的很棒的技能,以获得更大的战略深度!

枪支和车辆改进:添加了 Honey Badger 和 2 座自行车!


第 4 季第 10 季以 4 个新标题和一个标题存档系统开始。 完成任务以获得传奇物品!

全球超过10亿玩家的选择! 手机上的顶级大逃杀!

2022-08-02 版本:2.1.0

The Pharaoh returns amidst golden sand! Explore and solve puzzles in the Ancient Secret!

BLACKPINK's first global virtual concert in PUBG MOBILE!

C3S7 has begun! Check out the new Ancient Secret: Arise and collect commemorative titles!

Choice of over 1 billion players worldwide! Top-notch battle royale on your phone!

2022-07-18 版本:1.9.0

The PUBG MOBILE 4th Anniversary Celebration is here!

Check out the new anniversary gameplay!

Experience the upgraded Classic Mode maps and gameplay!

【Themed Gameplay: Vibrant Anniversary】

1. Colorful Spawn Island: Players can use 4 different Colored Balls on Spawn Island to dye the 4 giant statues in their favorite color to trigger a special performance in the themed mode!

2. Aerial Battlefield: Jump into a vibrant aerial battlefield and transform into a colorful puppet. When players are hit by enemies, the puppet head cover will grow larger and float in the sky. Players will return to the battle royale battlefield after they are eliminated. When players are hit by teammates , the puppet head cover will shrink and continue to return to the ground of the aerial battlefield. The vibrant aerial battlefield is only available in the first 5 minutes of matches, so check it out now!

3. Colorful Bicycles: Pick up a bicycle on the map and open your Backpack to find and use it as a one-person vehicle. It can be placed in the Backpack at any time. This bike doesn't need to be refueled or recharged , barely creates any noise when it is used, cannot be destroyed, and can be used to move around quickly. Call your friends and experience this themed mode together!

【Gameplay Improvements: Classic Maps】

1. Mechanic Improvements:

- Reduced the frequency of the countdown reminder in the Playzone to minimize interference.

- Players can now adjust the viewing angle when holding the prone, crouch, and jump buttons.

2. Control Improvements:

- Supports default weapon switching for more convenient weapon switching in the water.

- Improved players' experience when jumping over or climbing through things by making the flow of the action smoother.

- Firearm attachments can now be replaced while reloading to help players improve their response efficiency.

3. Map Improvements: Updated the bridge that leads to the Military Base in Erangel, widened the width and updated the amount of cover, and added sidewalks to the sides of the bridge for more strategic depth.

4. Recall: This feature takes effect in Unranked Modes - Classic Maps and the new Ranked Mode - Erangel /Livik Vibrant Anniversary map!

Log in to the game now to check out more upgraded content!

【Map Improvements: Aftermath】

1. Updated the appearance of ziplines and the player animation while using them to make it smoother to use.

2. Improved the color-changing effect on the crosshair of firearm sights to make the UI clearer.

【New Season: C2S5】

1. Added a new redemption shop to the season system: Updated redeemable rewards and adjusted the redemption limit to the season purchase limit.

2. Adjusted the output of Challenge Points and increased the chance of triggering Challenge Point protection to help players rank up faster.

3. The Survival Rating calculation now factors in player recalls: The more players recalled in the game, the higher the Survival Rating.

【Cheer Park Upgrades】

1. New environments for more fun and excitement!

2. Added racing gameplay with support for two-player racing and a variety of different vehicles to choose from.

3. Added a number of small interactive items to the environment, such as the hoverboard platform that takes players to another location quickly, viewpoint transport station that takes players to the Ferris Wheel at the top of the mountain, viewing platform, etc.


  • PUBG Mobile(绝地求生国际版)
  • PUBG Mobile(绝地求生国际版)
  • PUBG Mobile(绝地求生国际版)
  • PUBG Mobile(绝地求生国际版)


PUBG Mobile(绝地求生国际版)下载

1楼 网友 24-11-29 12:20:25

PUBG Mobile(绝地求生国际版)1.7下载好慢,不知道是不是我网速问题,继续等待……

2楼 网友 24-11-15 20:44:08


3楼 网友 24-11-03 10:59:46

PUBG Mobile(绝地求生国际版)怎么找不到下载地址啊,求大神指教~

4楼 网友 24-10-18 06:01:45

PUBG Mobile(绝地求生国际版)非常好用,速度快,功能强,用起来就是爽,本人极力推荐

5楼 网友 24-10-10 01:32:26

我十分赞同楼上对PUBG Mobile(绝地求生国际版)的评价,我给十分!

6楼 网友 24-05-15 03:41:41

这个PUBG Mobile(绝地求生国际版)好用么,相比上个版本变化大不大,我看安装包大小都已经这么大了了

7楼 网友 24-04-14 16:40:49

垃圾PUBG Mobile(绝地求生国际版),简直就是在浪费我时间,谁用谁知道。呵呵。

8楼 网友 24-03-03 08:48:57

这个版本的PUBG Mobile(绝地求生国际版)响应变快了!优化的真不错

9楼 网友 24-02-13 13:16:52

之前找了其他的与这个PUBG Mobile(绝地求生国际版)类似的软件,唯独这个满意,而且还是共享软件

10楼 网友 23-12-27 20:37:33

以前这个PUBG Mobile(绝地求生国际版)大小很小,现在居然都已经46.3MB了